Speed up, sign off and solve problems
Solve staffing problems and up-skill your workforce rapidly. Read Georgia’s story to find out how you can train and manage your park’s staff with ease using CmdCentr.
Meet Georgia
She’s the training manager at a busy theme park with lots of seasonal workers. Traditionally, Georgia has completed all new staff training in the classroom and used paper logs to record it. She then had to head back to the office, upload the training to a spreadsheet, file the paperwork and store it for many years.
Train faster
Her park has recently switched to CmdCentr which means that Georgia trains her new staff on the ground, at the rides. Once staff have completed each ride training, they sign to declare that they have attended the training via the tablet with their unique digital PIN signature. The trainer, who has also digitally signed via the app, completes the training session without having to sign a single piece of paper.
These records immediately sync to update the staff member’s profile and training record, which is retrievable instantly to all of the senior management and available across CmdCentr’s Apps.
This means that Georgia’s Operations Managers can go in and view the records at any point during the day. They can see who is operating which ride (knowing that only trained staff can sign in to the CmdCentr Ride App), how it’s performing and what other rides they’re trained on.

Find staff instantly
One of the Operations Managers sees that one ride in particular is struggling to cope with rising queue times. He’s visited the ride to observe and coach good practice, but found that the ride operator was doing everything they should be. But after talking with them, realised that they were only one of four people working that day who could operate that ride and they were working a longer shift than others in the park – they were tired, which was affecting their performance.
So, the Operations Manager tells Georgia that he needs additional staff trained on this particular ride. Georgia logs in and identifies staff who aren’t trained on that ride in just a couple of minutes and can see which operators are performing well, indicating that they would be a great choice to train on this ride.

Up-skill in an instant
Georgia can conduct training the very next day, up-skilling the operators and reducing the queue times.

“The biggest amount of time that we've saved is from a training point of view. It is so much quicker, so much more secure and it means that our trainers get to go out with staff and spend more time in the park rather than sitting in an office, filling out a piece of paper.”
Jordan- Paultons Park
Planning Data
Read Baljeet’s story on how to forecast for the future and identify opportunities for growth within the park through merchandising, food outlets, rides and attractions.
Operational data
Read Stella’s story to see how a birds eye view of your park with CmdCentr makes painfully long processes simple; with just a few clicks.
Ride Metrics and data
Read Andrea’s story to discover how CmdCentr can give you the answers to some of your biggest operational headaches.
What stories could you re-write with your data?
See ride throughput, carriage occupancy and queue times instantly – and make changes on the spot.
Use your data to coach staff every day and improve your park’s performance in the here-and-now.
What if you didn’t need more carriages, you just needed a better queueing system?
Save time with slick, digitised operations & records that could reduce ride downtime by 90%.
Your rides won’t open unless a qualified person logs in. You can’t re-open a ride after maintenance until a supervisor hits the button.
Instant oversight
Don’t wait until the end of the day to see what’s working and what’s not. Manage the ups and downs of every day with ease.
Historical data & audit
Retrieve records with a couple of clicks so you can see visitor trends, operational analysis and data for auditing.
Cost Savings
Do you really need that extra staff member? Free up your existing staff members’ time and see your park flourish.