Clare Kinnear

Clare Kinnear

IAAPA presents Paultons Park on the 7th of June, featuring CmdCentr and how they digitised their theme park operations.

On June 7, 2024, IAAPA held a significant event at Paultons Park, providing a full day of educational and networking opportunities for industry professionals. The day began with a welcome coffee and badge pick-up at the Grande Central Restaurant, followed by presentations and roundtable discussions at the Cedar Room.

Owen Jones, CmdCentr’s Design and Product Manager, gave an insightful presentation on how the team collaborated with Paultons Park to develop a bespoke training and ride operations system. Owen explained how CmdCentr worked closely with Paultons to understand their specific needs and created a system filled with theme park-specific features. This included real-time data oversight, digital ride checklists, and staff training modules, which have greatly enhanced operational efficiency and reduced reliance on paper-based processes.

“CmdCentr has given the park operations management team a lot of time back. Having data which is immediate on the park really made sure that for our guest experience, we could react to any problems we were seeing and my team’s time is spent now managing the park and people instead of moving paper around the office”

The event also featured a presentation by Jon Ruddock from LEAPS, who discussed safety inspections in the theme park industry. Jon highlighted the importance of rigorous safety protocols and the latest advancements in inspection technologies, emphasizing how these practices ensure the safety and satisfaction of park visitors.

After the morning sessions, attendees enjoyed a lunch buffet at the Wild Forest Restaurant, followed by an EDUTour of Paultons Park. This behind-the-scenes tour showcased how CmdCentr’s digital solutions are implemented in real-world settings, providing attendees with a firsthand look at the benefits of digitized operations.


The day concluded with free time to explore the park and a networking drinks reception, allowing participants to share insights and build connections within the industry. Overall, the event was a comprehensive blend of education, practical demonstrations, and networking, highlighting the advancements in theme park operations and safety.

“At the most recent safety inspection I performed, the process took half the time since CmdCentr was implemented. Its ease of searching relevant data such as pre-opening checks, staff training records, and incident reports has been a game-changer. The system has been thoughtfully designed specifically for operations at attractions, reflecting a deep understanding of the industry. It’s evident that time was spent ensuring it works seamlessly for all staff. I was thoroughly impressed and look forward to seeing CmdCentr implemented in many more parks in the future.”


We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to the team at Paultons Park for once again welcoming us into their family-run park. Your hospitality and dedication made our visit both enjoyable and insightful.

We also wish to thank IAAPA EMEA for organizing a fantastic educational event and tour. Your efforts in bringing together industry professionals and facilitating meaningful discussions are greatly appreciated.

Lastly, a big thank you to all the wonderful people from attractions across the UK who attended. Your participation and engagement helped make this event a success.

We look forward to future opportunities to collaborate and learn together.