CmdCentr is designed to help eliminate the roller coaster feeling from running a theme park.

Choose the right CmdCentr modules for your park
No more paper-pushing checklists or training logs, no more spiralling queue times and no more time-consuming attempts to improve efficiency.
The digitisation of your training and ride operation processes gives you access to data that shows you instantly what you need to do and what your customers want. And with no tedious paper-trails to follow, you’ll have plenty of time to do it.
If you’re losing valuable time with your day-to-day park checklists and operations, or it’s putting pressure on your staff on the ground, then CmdCentr’s collection of Apps will streamline your park operations and give you back that time to focus on your guest experience.
CmdCentr has given the park operations management team a lot of time back. Having data which is immediate, really made sure that for our guest experience, we could react to any problems we were seeing. Now, my team’s time is spent managing the park and managing the people, instead of moving paper around the office.
Training app
If you’re still battling with manual training sign-offs and pushing paper around multiple desks, CmdCentr’s Training App will save you from an agonising paper trail.
Administration portal
Have you ever wished you’d identified trends sooner? Or perhaps you have no reliable way of identifying trends? CmdCentr’s administration portal is going to help you plan, predict and adapt like never before.
Ride app
What if you could get more rides out of your existing attractions? CmdCentr’s Ride App feeds constant data into your Administration Portal and your Monitoring App. See at-a-glance which rides are going slow, where queue times are creeping up and where to re-distribute staff to combat problems quickly.
Monitoring app
With CmdCentr’s Monitoring App you empower your managers to solve multiple problems at the same time with a bird’s eye view of crucial operations data. Keep an eye on staff requests, operations glitches and ride efficiency information at the touch of a button.
How It Works
Cloud based park operations software
No bulky, on-site storage required. We’ll get it set up so you’re ready to go.
Mobile apps for iOS, Android and web
Give your managers access to data wherever they are in the park, whenever they need it.
Custom integrations
Whatever your park needs to run smoothly, we’ll make sure it syncs perfectly with the systems you already have.